Friday, April 23, 2010

happy happy happy!

I am happy with the progress that I have made this week. I made the water look like it is boiling and moving, i finished the helicopter, and i am currently working on the penguins moving around on the one piece of ice that hasn't's still a work in progress...but definately going along well. =] EJ is awesome at coding, so hopefully he can teach me his mad skills..Sheena is working on the house part, from what she has showed me, it is coming along wonderfully! I'm lucky to be on a team with such talented team members, I know that they will teach me a lot!
Everyone have a splendid weekend! Be safe!
peace out <3


  1. nice post, it allowed us to see what you are working on, your thoughts and reactions to what is going on. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks! I really am trying! =]
